The philosophy and beliefs that underpin His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed's leadership are a guiding light for the present and future of the nation. From investing in education and accelerating economic diversification to advancing human fraternity and environmental sustainability, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed’s strategic priorities reflect his lifelong commitment to serving the people of the UAE and contributing to global stability.    


His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan believes that in a rapidly shifting world, it is our duty to think generations ahead and to have the courage to take bold steps. Addressing complex challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and preventable diseases requires innovative partnerships and pragmatic solutions. The international community has a responsibility to take timely and coordinated action to protect life, preserve our planet, and safeguard human dignity for the benefit of current and future generations.

Sustainability is a fundamental component of the UAE's approach and endeavours to promote climate action, foster international cooperation, and seek practical solutions to the challenges posed by climate change, all in the spirit of enhancing solidarity.
His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan


The UAE is a nation built on mutual respect and understanding. It is home to people of more than 200 nationalities that make lasting contributions to the nation’s prosperity and success. Diversity built this nation, and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed's unwavering commitment to inclusivity will continue to shape its future. Nurturing constructive relationships within and beyond our borders is paramount to ensuring growth and stability. The UAE stands shoulder to shoulder with those seeking to build a better world and celebrate what unites us in the spirit of tolerance, peace, and stability.

We extend the hand of friendship to all countries that share our values of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect to achieve progress and prosperity.
His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan


His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed grew up with the UAE and recognises that supporting and empowering all members of society is essential when building a globally connected and thriving nation, and that empowerment begins with a quality education and opportunities for all. He invests in the leaders of tomorrow with a focus on high-quality education and initiatives that underpin the UAE’s strong traditions, character, and resilience. He believes that people come first, because for a nation to prosper, so too must its people.

We are blessed with many resources, especially our highly skilled human capital, as the UAE possesses a distinguished wealth of young manpower.
His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan


In pursuit of the shared goals of international peace, stability, and development, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed believes in the importance of building and nurturing constructive partnerships with other nations to help create a more harmonious and sustainable world. Motivated by these objectives, the UAE will continue to build bridges of partnership and cooperation, serve as a facilitator of diplomatic dialogue, and actively support international efforts aimed at promoting peace and prosperity and addressing the needs of individuals and communities around the globe.

Since its establishment, the UAE has built robust relations with countries around the world, based on solid foundations of openness and constructive cooperation.
His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan


Consistent with the longstanding ambition of the UAE to develop an increasingly resilient, dynamic, and knowledge-based economy, His Highness the President continues to invest in people and knowledge as the most powerful drivers of economic development and diversification. This includes partnering with nations and other stakeholders around the world to facilitate trade and investment, promote sustainable growth and prosperity, and develop the social, educational, and entrepreneurial infrastructure that enables individuals and economies to thrive.

Further diversifying our economy is a key strategic focus of our future plans. It is therefore necessary to accelerate economic development efforts to continue building a leading global economy, to enhance our competitiveness, and to achieve the highest global rankings.
His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan


Emerging from humble beginnings, the nation’s rapid transformation was the result of the grit, hard work, and determination of our ancestors to build a better future for all the diverse communities that call the UAE home. In championing present and open leadership, His Highness the President believes that future progress relies on our collective vision and commitment, and that every individual can uniquely contribute towards writing the next chapter of our national story.

We are fortunate to have a nation of such people who have proven their spirit and determination to overcome the toughest challenges. Our pride in our people is infinite.
His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan